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Hemp seed is not only healthy, but also extremely popular lately. It contains a lot of proteins, proteins, beneficial plant sterols and other important substances for the human body. It also has the ideal ratio of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, namely (1:3), which is the most natural and therefore the best for our body. It is rich in vitamin E, iodine, silver, chromium, zinc, copper and magnesium. Hemp seed contributes to the quality of nails, hair and skin. We recommend one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach and one in the evening before going to bed. In addition, you can also add it to salads, spreads and other cold dishes. There are no limits to your imagination.

Superfood as it should be

Because of its extraordinary properties, it is classified as a "superfood". Under this attractive name are hidden edibles that are rich in vitamins, mineral and trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, fibre, antioxidants and other valuable ingredients. They are definitely a welcome addition and enrichment to the diet for those who want to live a healthy, energy-filled lifestyle. Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious foods and are therefore an ideal source of such energy.

Other benefits of hemp seed include that it supports proper immune system function and heart function.

How to use it

Preparing hemp seed for consumption is very simple.

1 tablespoon of hemp seeds provides an adult with the minimum daily dose of all the necessary nutrients. For children and adults, we recommend consuming 1-2 tablespoons per day. If you have problems, you can also take more. In fact, hemp seed is an integral part of a balanced varied diet, as well as a necessary helper in times of excessive physical or mental stress.

A great start to a new day

A quick, nutritious boost that will reliably get you up for the day is a teaspoon of hemp seed on an empty stomach right after you wake up. Alternatively, you can add it as a flavouring to your favourite breakfast porridge, yoghurt or fruit mixes. So, exactly to your taste, with an effect that you will definitely feel and appreciate at the same time.

Ideally, you should take hemp seed in the morning on an empty stomach and then at any time during the day. Peeled hemp seed is not only suitable for direct consumption, but also as an ingredient in cereal mixes, salads, baked goods, yoghurt, porridge, sauces and pasta. It has a very pleasant nutty flavour that is easy to love. You can also try hemp milk or refreshing smoothie shakes (fruit + hemp seed). 

Enjoy homemade hemp milk

Are you a fan of plant-based milk drinks? Then know that making homemade hemp milk is easy and very fast. Soak a small handful of hemp seeds overnight. The next day, rinse with clean water and strain through a fine sieve or cloth. Mix everything together with 1/2 litre of water. Strain and add a teaspoon of hemp oil. You can flavour the milk with, for example, a teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon or vanilla extract. It tastes great chilled. Consume it once or twice a week. Always prepare it fresh to preserve all the nutrients.

Give yourself and your loved ones a healthy boost. The highest quality hemp seed for every family, weekdays and holidays!